In the Bible, the “Ring of Fire” symbolizes God's protection, His presence in times of trial, and the refining process through challenges that ultimately lead to spiritual growth and purification. 

The Celtic Church developed a special type of protection prayer, the Caim Prayer or Circle Prayer, it is where we get the word “Calm” from as praying this prayer would banish the storm and create calm. It was a way to surround oneself with God’s protection and blessing and remove any evil. It was often prayed in by ‘drawing’ a circle around oneself as you prayed, at every 90 degree turn. This is an example of a Celtic circle Prayer:

Circle me Lord, Keep hope near, And evil afar.”

Circle me Lord, Keep light near, And darkness afar.”

Circle me Lord, Keep peace within, Keep fear out.”

Circle me Lord, Keep hope within, Keep doubt without.

Mighty God,

My protection be

Encircling me.

You are around

My home, my street

Encircling me

O Sacred Three.

What’s the relevance of this now you may ask? Well, today we may use the idea of “Surround me with…” in place of “circle me” but these are deep rooted prayers for homes and communities. In this time of pandemic and social distancing people are commuting less and dispersed in their own communities. One thing we are being encouraged to do is exercise on our own by walking. So why not make that exercise a circle prayer for your community. Walk the block and create a circle around your home praying a version of this prayer “Keep _____ within, and _______ out”.

Circle us Lord with your holy angels.


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